Sergio Mannino Studio

117 Grattan Street, Suite 204, Brooklyn, NY 11237, United States

+1 718 855 5018

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Established in 2008 in New York, Sergio Mannino Studio is an award-winning design studio known for its distinctive and vibrant aesthetics.

The studio is driven by a strong passion for crafting objects and places that embody the essence of our era and mirror the ideals of the society we aspire to, blending Italian design culture and aesthetics with a modern international flair.

The studio is guided by the conviction that a thoughtfully designed environment can deeply engage people, influencing the way they behave and interact with each other. Beauty is not a concept limited to art on a wall. It should permeate every object we engage with, our conduct, and every action we take. While design may not be able to change the world, it can certainly help us live in a better place.

The studio's work is distinguished by a daring use of colors to convey emotions and narrate stories.

Sergio Mannino Studio